General Dentistry

Is your child eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

With a Bachelor or Health Science and a Master in Dentistry from La Trobe University, Dr Daniela's favourite thing about dentistry is treating children. She is an expert at making tears and fears disappear, and loves teaching kids excellent dental habits for life.
A young boy sits in a dentist chair, contemplating her dental visit, with a focus on child dental benefits eligibility.

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a government-funded program. It provides basic dental services to eligible children up to 17 years of age.

Currently (November 2024), eligible children can get up to $1,095 for kids’ dental services. This can be used over two calendar years. At which point, it resets (providing your family is still eligible).

At Hello Dental, we understand how important it is to teach your children good oral health habits from a young age. That’s why we’ve made our clinic child friendly. We’re thrilled to participate in the CDBS. We even have a dedicated children’s dentist who’s a pro at making kids’ dental visits fun.

Find out more about the Child Dental Benefits Scheme. Here’s a look at who’s eligible, what’s covered, what dental services are not covered, and how to claim.

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Your child may be eligible for the Child Dental Benefit Scheme if they meet ALL of the following:

  • They are aged 0-17 years old (at any point in the calendar year) 
  • They are eligible for Medicare
  • You receive a relevant Government payment, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A or Parenting Payment.

The great news is that you don’t have to apply for the CDBS. A notification of eligibility will be sent to you by post or electronically through MyGov. Once a child is deemed eligible, they are eligible for the whole calendar year (even if they turn 18). 

Want to check your child’s eligibility online?

You can do this if you have a Medicare online account, and it’s linked to your myGov. Simply:

  1. Sign into myGov
  2. Select Medicare
  3. Go to History and statements, Child Dental Benefits Schedule

What dental treatments are covered by CDBS?

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule 2024 provides up to $1,095 (capped) over two calendar years for basic dental services for children. This includes:

If needed, you can use the full $1,095 in the first calendar year. This will leave you with no allocation for the second year. If you only use part of your allocation in the first year, you can use the remaining in the second year if your child is eligible still. 

NOTE: If you don’t use your $1,095 allowance within the two consecutive calendar years you will lose it. 

The $1095 allocation will more than cover the cost of regular dental check-ups for your child, so we urge every parent to take a preventative approach to their child’s dental health.

How to use the Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Most dentists offer child dental benefits. If you’re unsure, you can ask the cost of the service needed for your child and whether it is covered by CDBS. 

You’ll be given a consent form, which outlines the costs and asks you to sign if you agree. If your dentist bulk bills, you won’t need to pay (providing your CDBS allocation covers all the cost) or claim.

If your dental practice doesn’t bulk bill, you will need to pay for your child’s treatment at the time of the appointment. You will then claim your rebate directly from Medicare. You can do this in one of three ways:

Once your claim has been processed, Medicare will pay the benefit into your bank account. You can check your child’s remaining CDBS funds by logging into your Medicare account online or at


  • You can use the full $1095 benefit cap in the first calendar year your child becomes eligible. However, you will have no funds for the second calendar year.
  • If you do not use the full $1095 in the first calendar year, any remaining funds can be used in the second year as long as your child is still eligible.

  • Once you have used all your CDBS funds, you will have to wait for a new two-year period to begin to receive the next $1095 benefit cap.

The table below shows the benefit cap of $1095 over two calendar years.

2024 2025 2026
First year services are provided. Second year where the patient can access any remaining balance if they are still eligible. The patient will have access to a new benefit cap starting from this year, if they are eligible.

What if my child’s dental treatment is not covered by the CDBS?

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule does not cover the following dental services:

  • Orthodontic dental work
  • Cosmetic dental work
  • Dental services provided in a hospital

Don’t worry. If your child needs dental care, such as orthodontic treatment, that’s not included in the CDBS, we’ve got you covered.

At Hello Dental, we offer affordable treatment fees and flexible finance options. With interest-free payments and flexible repayment terms, you can ensure your child gets the dental care they need to keep their smile healthy.

Say ‘Hello’ to enjoyable dental care for kids 

Regular (every six months) dental check-ups are essential for maintaining great dental health for life. We recommend booking your child in for a dental visit once they have their first birthday.  

Give your kid’s oral health the best start. Book an appointment today or give us a call on 03 8905 3999 to ask about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. Our child-friendly clinic, complete with a dedicated kids’ dentist, ensures swift, soft treatment. As a parent, you can feel confident any dental issues will be spotted early—before they turn into a bigger (more costly) problem.

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